Custom Made Campervans

Our caravan construction is completed with 4 important principles:
Freedom, Originality, Functionality, and Simplicity

Our designs are the foundation of every project before it becomes a unique creation. Each caravan we create using natural wood materials and craftsmanship is unique, reflecting the individuality of our customers.

You can take a look at our previous caravans to meet the Vanda Caravan Family.


karavan manzara
All Vanda caravans are produced in a way that allows you to travel freely without being dependent on caravan park areas. From the electrical system to the water system, all your needs are prepared with this basic consideration. Enjoy the independence of your home on wheels anywhere in the world!


karavan tezgah dışa açılır masa yapımı

We use things not just for the sake of doing them, but if they are truly useful and functional. We continuously develop ourselves without getting stuck in routines. Since each motorhome is different from one another, we are constantly creating new ideas in the industry among caravan manufacturing companies.


Each Vanda caravan is unique because we believe that the caravan should be personalized for each individual. As needs and usage habits change, we are also happy to change and improve ourselves. Caravans are produced entirely personalized for you!


anasayfa karavan iç görsel

Our caravans provide you with everything you need in nature, but we don’t put “everything” into the caravan. Thanks to the engineering and R&D work we do specifically for each vehicle, our vehicles have more usable space. The technical parts that you don’t see inside our caravans are produced in more detail than what you see. This way, with a strong infrastructure, you can experience the comfort of your home anywhere in the world. All that’s left for you is to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Set your own rules!

You can live, travel, and work on the road. Perhaps you want to explore the world, experience more adventures, slow down, or maybe do all of these things at once. This is exactly why we created Vanda. We create unique caravans so you can travel the world without sacrificing the comfort of your home.

To find the caravan that suits you, you can check out the vehicles we have built before or browse through our caravans for sale.

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Contact Us


We established Atölye Vanda to share our journey of living life on our own terms, freely and with like-minded people who have similar dreams.

You can browse our website for sale and rental caravans and get in touch with us.